For the English speaking inhabitants of Vogeldorp

Here is a link (pdf) to the English summary of the residents’ survey conducted in May 2020 in Vogeldorp.

Are you a tenant or home owner living in Vogeldorp? Then this page is meant for you. Through this website, which is setup in November 2018, we try to unite as much inhabitants of Vogeldorp as possible. ‘Verenigd Vogeldorp’ translates into United Vogeldorp.

Why? Because we want to keep Vogeldorp, our community, habitable and enjoyable. Therefore we will have to stand together in raising certain complaints, concerns, wishes and questions with the landlords, the municipality and between ourselves.

Did you know Vogeldorp is legally protected heritage? It was build in 1918 in order to provide the poorest people of the city with housing. The houses were the first stone single-family dwellings to be build in Amsterdam. Vogeldorp is a monument that needs to be maintained and well-treated.

Join us and let us know what you think.

Therefore we invite you to join our effort by sending an e-mail to and let us know any questions, concerns, wishes or complaints regarding living in Vogeldorp. Or simply to let us know you support this effort.